Refund and Returns Policy

Dstsdigital.com offers a 7-days return period, from the day the product has been delivered to you, as long as the product being returned is not part of our non-returnable list of conditions (list below).

For details on how to submit a return request and our return process, refer to the section at the end of this article.

Conditions for non-returnable products

You cannot return the below unless the product was received damaged or if you received the wrong product. In this case, you are required to return the item unopened and in its original packaging.

Which Products Can Be Requested for a Return

You can submit a return request for a product as long it does not fall into the “Non-Returnable”,

You can return an item if:

  • You have received a wrong product.
  • You have received a product that is not as described on the site.
  • You have received a damaged product.

For Valid returns, please consider the below conditions:

  • Make sure the product is unused, in original, unbroken packaging, including all booklets, accessories and untampered tags and serial numbers.
  • Do not open the product’s original packaging if you realized it is a wrong product, damaged, different from description or picture displayed, or if you suspect it is counterfeit.
  • If the product has been used, installed or the product’s original box was opened and the original seal was removed, the return will be declined, and the product will be returned back unless there is a manufacturing defect.
  • Products that have been used, altered, assembled, or installed will not be accepted unless they are defective.
  • Return request should be submitted for the entire quantity of the ordered product, as partial quantity return is not available.

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